Local Authority
Melton 2 – Hull
The three storey building has been developed developed by the Wykeland Group at its flagship Melton West business park. It brings together an existing centre for the force’s specialist teams and support staff, known as Melton 1, which opened at the business park in 2014.
Project Summary
Control Panels – 2No (Form 2)
Controllers – Trend IQ4E
Front End PC – IQ Vision
Plant Controlled/Monitored – Pressurisation Units, ASHP’s, Primary/Secondary LTHW Pumps, HWS Secondary Pump, CHW Pumps, Chillers, HWS Calorifiers, Garage Extract Fan, CWS Booster & Tanks, Radiant Panels, Water Meters, Leak Detection, General AHU’s, Kitchen AHU, UPS Extract Fans, Radiant Panels, Trace Heating
Integration – Electric Meters (Modbus), VRF (BACNet/IP), Downflow Units (BACNet/MSTP), LTHW/CHW Pumps (BACNet/MSTP), Chillers (Modbus), AHU’s (Modbus)
Customer - Shepherd Engineering Services
Barnsley Library – Barnsley
A new state-of-the-art library has opened in the centre of Barnsley as the “cornerstone” of a £180m regeneration project. The four-storey library is situated in the Lightbox building, which has a transparent glass exterior designed to illuminate Barnsley’s new town square.
Project Summary
Control Panels – 1No (Form 2)
Controllers – Trend IQ4E, IQVIEW4 Display
Front End PC – IQ Vision
Plant Controlled/Monitored – Gas Proving, Pressurisation Unit, Boilers, CT Pumps, VT Pumps, CHW Pumps, CHW Pressurisation Unit, Chiller, CWS Booster, Water Conditioner, Packaged AHU, Packaged Kitchen Vent, Toilet Vent, Trench Heating, DX Units
Integration – Electric Meters (Modbus), Packaged AHU (BACNet/IP), Packaged Kitchen Vent (BACNet/IP)
Customer - NPS Ltd.
Guildhall – York
The Guildhall in York, England is a historic building complex that includes a medieval hall, council chambers, and other buildings.
The Guildhall was built in the 15th century and is situated on the River Ouse behind The Mansion House. Full Council meetings are held in the council chambers within the Guildhall and the Guildhall is also used for events.
Project Summary
Control Panels – 1No (Form 2), 3No (Form 1)
Controllers – Trend IQ4E
Front End PC – IQ Vision
Plant Controlled/Monitored – Gas Proving, Pressurisation Units, Boilers, River Source Heat Pump, Heat Pump Heating/Cooling Pumps, LTHW Primary/Secondary Pumps, HWS Secondary Pump, Sump Pumps, River Filter Pump, HWS Calorifiers, Water Meters, Trench Heating, Underfloor Heating, FCU’s, General Extract Fans, Kitchen AHU
Integration – Electric Meters (Modbus), River Source Heat Pump (BACNet/IP)
Customer - Wheatley M&E Ltd.
Blue Light Custody Suite – Lincoln
Procured under Scape Group’s National Construction framework, the new facility brings together Lincolnshire’s fire and rescue services, police force and ambulance service under one roof in a bright and modern facility in Lincoln.
Project Summary
Control Panels – 2No. (Form 2)
Controllers – Trend IQ4E, IQVIEW4 Display
Front End PC – Trend IQ Vision
Plant Controlled/Monitored – AHU’s, DX Units, CWS Tanks, CWS Booster, Rainwater Harvesting. FCU’s
Integration – Packaged AHU’s (Modbus), Electric Meters (Modbus), VRF System (BACNet/IP) (Cell Smoke Extract System)
Control Panels – 2No. (Form 1)
Controllers – Trend IQ4E
Customer - Shepherd Engineering Services
For any enquiries or questions, please call: 0113 279661 or fill out the following form.
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Calverley Control Installations Ltd.
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Royds Close
West Yorkshire
LS12 6LL
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